
 from the Japanese, meaning ’single-chamber kiln‘

Crafting anagama pots

Josef Wieser: a nature lover turned natural clay potter

Having grown up in a rural setting, I was always interested in my natural environment.

This affinity with nature can be witnessed at its strongest in my work. I often scour the countryside on the lookout for unique traces of geological interest. The region between the Limestone Alps and the granite mountains, which has been subjected to millions of years of weathering, is characterised by a diverse range of sedimentary rock formations.

There are reports of abandoned clay and sand trenches here, as well as old brick factories and disused glassworks. Keeping my ears to the ground and listening to those in the know often allows me to uncover areas of hidden treasure.

I only use clay that I have dug out myself, which I then work until it takes on its distinct quality and dynamic appearance. I grind down stones and sand and use these as a thin glaze for my creations.


My first attempts with a wood-fired oven began at the age of twelve. I used to experiment with a small shaft kiln, which was followed by other kilns involving different sorts of firing techniques. In other words, fire has been leaving its mark on my pottery for over 35 years (see the ‘About’ section).

The anagama kiln always produces items that feature unique traces of ash, molten feldspar and iron inclusions.


Continually moving forwards, treading new paths and accepting the unexpected. This has always been my philosophy and will continue to be so.




  • chawan tea bowl
  • sencha chawan sencha tea bowl
  • yunomi tea mug
  • hôhin teapot
  • kyûsu teapot with side handle
  • chatsubo pot for storing tea leaves
  • chaire container for storing tea powder
  • mizusashi container for fresh water
  • gohan chawan rice bowl
  • yamachawan unglazed rice bowl
  • mimitsuki hanaire vase with handles
  • tsubo globe vase
  • hanabin bottle vase
  • choko sake bowl
  • guinomi sake mug
  • tokkuri sake bottle

About Josef Wieser

Born in Lower Austria

Smaller wood-fired shaft kiln, heating up to 1100°C

Start of apprenticeship in pottery and kiln construction

Two-chamber kiln with rising flame
Stoneware and earthenware

Downdraft kiln
Stoneware and porcelain, 1240°C–1280°C

1988 – 1989
Period as an exchange student at the Vocational School of Pottery and Kiln Construction in Stoob (Fachschule für Keramik und Ofenbau)

Final examinations

Arts and Crafts Award Radstadt (Salzburg)

Founding of atelier in Waidhofen/Ybbs (Lower Austria)
Hand-shaped tiled stoves, stoneware and porcelain in the gas kiln, 1250°C–1280°C

2005 – 2011
Various markets and exhibitions in Austria, Germany and Belgium

Anagama kiln, tea ceramics, traces of ash, pottery, reduction firing at 1250°C–1300°C

2012 – 2017
Stoneware, celadon porcelain, wood-fired vessels

Film documentation of my working method by „Servus-TV“

Exhibition participation “Vielfalt Keramik” in Art BV Berchtoldvilla (Salzburg)

Presentation for EXPO 2025 at the Austrian Embassy in Tokyo (Japan)
Study visit to Japan “six old kilns”

Presentation at the World Expo 2025 in Osaka (Japan)
Ceramics from the Anagama kiln

Solo exhibition at the Langerwehe Pottery Museum (Germany)

Josef Wieser in seiner Werkstatt in Waidhofen/Ybbs

Josef Wieser in his atelier in Waidhofen/Ybbs

Josef Wieser, natural clay potter
Unterzeller Straße 78
A-3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs

Phone: +43 (0) 7442 / 540 91